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ASEAN Young Entrepreneurs Council AYEC
Young Entrepreneurs Council (AYEC) is the official voice of young entrepreneurs in the ASEAN policy-making process. It was successfully proposed by the ASEAN Business Advisory Council (ASEAN-BAC) to the ASEAN Leaders in 2015 and later that year launched in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. It consists of a network of government endorsed young entrepreneur associations from all 10 ASEAN Member States.

The AYEC it consists of a network of government endorsed young entrepreneur associations from all 10 ASEAN Member States. Each country appoints 3 council members to sit in the AYEC to represent their local chapter, consisting of 30 members in total. The Chair of AYEC rotates every year following the ASEAN Chairmanship host country, and the 2 Co-Chairs will be the outgoing country and incoming country. There are only 2 elected seats which are the Treasurer and Secretary General.

The AYEC also formed the ASEAN Young Entrepreneurs Association (AYEA) in 2016 to promote exchange and cooperation between young entrepreneurs and investors within ASEAN member states. Not only to drive and empower the young entrepreneurs, the association does also look forward to protect the legitimate rights and interests of its members to strengthen the communication and relationship between corresponding governmental organisations and encourages its members to contribute to the development of ASEAN and international corporate development.

In efforts to enhance market connectivity between the regional young entrepreneurs, the,AYEC hosts annually the ASEAN Young Entrepreneurs Carnival since 2016. The carnival is a regional collaboration between the AYEC council members. It brings in participation from all 10 ASEAN member states (AMS), with a forum, exposition and Business Awards Programme all housed under one roof. This event is an official ASEAN event first-of-its-kind Carnival and the only Asean programme under the economic pillar.

Through the AYEC, the ASEAN Young Women Entrepreneurs Club was established in July 2021 as a platform to bring together and develop a strong young female entrepreneurs and women-owned business community in ASEAN aimed at contributing towards ASEAN socio-economic development.

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The AYEC Business & Entrepreneurship Series is an online dialogue series on business & entrepreneurship to promote exchange of insights, knowledge and approaches to running resilient enterprise through dialogue. The dialogue series aim to bring together entrepreneurs from the ASEAN economies to dialogue and network with each other.
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7th ASEAN Young Entrepreneurs Carnival, Cambodia 2022
Friday, 11th November 2022 - Sunday, 13th November 2022