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7th ASEAN Young Entrepreneurs Carnival, Phnom Penh, 11- 13 November 2022, KOH PICH CITY HALL


Day One – Friday, 11 November 2022

13:00 PM – 18:00 PM (Phnom Penh Time) GMT+7

13:00 PM – 14:30 PM
ASEAN Young Women Entrepreneurs Club (AYWEC) Meeting (Club Members Only)
15:00 PM – 17:00 PM
AYEC Council Meeting (Council Members only)
17.00 PM – 18.00 PM
18.00 PM – 20.00 PM
Welcome Dinner (Invitation Only)
• Welcome Remarks by MR. SEANG SOPAGNA, President of Young Entrepreneurs Association of Cambodia (YEAC) and Chair of ASEAN Young Entrepreneurs Council (AYEC)
• Remarks by OKNHA SOK PISETH, Vice President of Cambodia Chamber of Commerce (CCC) and Chair of ASEAN Business and Investment Submit (ABIS) (Invited) • Remarks on AYE Carnival by OKNHA PECH BOLEN, Chair of AYE Carnival and Executive Vice President of YEAC.


Day Two – Saturday, 12 November 2022

08:30 AM – 21:00 PM (Phnom Penh Time) GMT+7

08:30 AM – 09:00 AM
Opening Ceremony (Special Performance)
09:00 AM – 10:00 AM
Welcoming and Opening Address
• Welcome Remarks: By MR. SEANG SOPAGNA, President of YEAC, Convener, 7th AYE Carnival Phnom Penh, Cambodia & Chair of AYEC 2022
• Remarks by NEAK OKNHA KITH MENG, President of Cambodia Chamber of Commerce and Chair of ASEAN Business Advisory Council (ASEAN-BAC) 2022 (Invited) • Opening Remarks by H.E DR. HUN MANET, Lieutenant General of Royal Cambodian Armed Force (Invited)
10.00 AM - 10.30 AM
Keynote Address: ASEAN and Essence of The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) by H.E. DR. SOK SIPHANNA, Chairman of ASIAN Vision Institute (AVI) (confirmed)
10.30 AM - 11.00 AM
Coffee Break & Exhibition Tour (VIP)
11.00 AM - 12.30 PM

Session 1

Panel Discussion 1:
HARNESSING ACCESS TO FINANCE FOR MSMES FOR SHARED GROWTH Keynote Address by H.E. DR. CHEA SEREY, Director General and Assistant Governor at National Bank of Cambodia (Invited)
1. Mr. SIM Chankiriroth, CEO & Founder of BanhJi Fintech Co., Ltd and Vice President of Young Entrepreneurs Association of Cambodia
2. Singapore (to be nominated by Singapore Business Federation)
3. Myanmar - ASEAN Bankers Association
4. Vietnam – (to be nominated by Vietnam Young Entrepreneurs Association)
5. Indonesia – (to be nominated by Himpunan Pengusaha Muda Indonesia) Moderated by MR. RAYMOND SIA SAY GUAN, Chief Executive Officer and Executive Board Director of Canadia Bank and Chairman of Association of Banks in Cambodia. (confirmed)
12.30 PM – 14.00 PM
Networking Lunch
14.00 PM – 14:30 PM
Keynote Address on Digitalization for SMEs/Digital ASEAN (by OECD) (invited)
14.30 PM - 16.30 PM

Session 2

• ASEAN-BAC – To be nominated by Young Entrepreneurs Association of Laos • CADT – Nominated/Invited by YEAC
• To be nominated by Thailand Young Entrepreneurs Chamber of Commerce
• To be nominated Philippines Young Entrepreneurs Association
• To be nominated by Young Entrepreneurs Association of Brunei
• To be nominated by Myanmar Young Entrepreneurs Association Moderated by MS. DEBORAH MELISSA BOTTREAU, Managing & Creative Director; Sienna DMB Sdn Bhd; Secretary General, ASEAN Young Entrepreneurs Council & President, Malaysia Young Entrepreneurs ASEAN Association [Malaysia]
16.30 PM - 18:30 PM
Exhibition Hall
18.30 PM - 21.00 PM
Gala Dinner and AYEC Award Night presided over by H.E. HUN MANET, Lieutenant General of Royal Cambodian Armed Force (Invited)
• Remarks by MR. SEANG SOPAGNA
• Remarks by H.E. HUN MANET
• AWARD Ceremony

Day Three – Sunday, 13 November 2022

09:30 AM – 14:00 PM (Phnom Penh Time) GMT+7

7:00 AM - 8:30 AM
Special Breakfast Meeting with Australian Minister of Trade (Tentative)
9.00 AM – 9.30 AM
Key Remarks:
H.E. VONGSEY VISSOTH, Minister Delegate Attached to the Prime Minister and Permanent Secretary of State of Ministry of
Economy and Finance (Invited)
9.30 AM – 10.30 AM
Keynote Address:
Cambodian Investment Law by H.E. SOK CHENDA SOHPHEA, Minister attached to Prime Minister, Secretary General of Council for the Development of Cambodia (CDC)
Keynote Address: RECOTVET Application and Proposal for upskilling of ASEAN by GIZ
10.30 AM – 11:00 AM
Coffee Break
11.00 AM – 12.00 AM

Session 3

Panel Discussion:
• Australia/India/ Japan/ Hong Kong /China Moderated by H.E. DR. CHHIENG VANMUNIN, CEO of Khmer Enterprise (Invited)
12.00 AM – 14.00 AM
Networking Lunch and Handover Ceremony of AYEC Chairmanship to Indonesia presided over by H.E. HUN MANY, President of the Union of Youth Federations of Cambodia (Confirmed)